sábado, 5 de junio de 2021


 Hello everybody!

Welcome again to my English blog

To be honest, I did not know what to write this week's blog, because it is much more difficult for me to write about something when the theme is free than when they tell me what to write.

After thinking for a long time, I decided to talk about one of my favorite hobbies: cold porcelain.

It is not an interesting theme, but I think porcelain miniature figures are very cute and I wanted to share some photos of what can be made with porcelain. I hope you like it.

I learned how to make porcelain the last year in a workshop, and I learned how to make figures.

In the actuality I can't work with porcelain because I have to study a lot and I do not have more time, but when the classes are over, I will create a lot of things again.

I hope you liked the blog, and if you think the porcelain photos are too cute I recommend you visit the Instagram profile called: “Andisacharms”, from there I got the images from the blog.

Goodbye, and thank you very much for reading.

4 comentarios:

  1. It sounds me interesting that you can make those figures, I would like to learn to make it

  2. Beautiful crafts, I guess you need to be very patient and meticulous.

  3. OMG your crafts are so beautiful, and I agree with you the miniature things are very very cute :D

  4. How cool, I always see videos on Instagram of people doing these little miniature things.
