sábado, 29 de mayo de 2021


Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about one of the best photographs you will see in your life.

I’m just kidding, it's not the best photo in the world, but it's very special to me.

I was not very sure about which picture choose because there are many photos that bring me good memories, I have others that do not bring me very good memories, but they bring an important event in my life.

The picture was taken by my younger sister Antonia, it shows my dog in the backyard of my house, The picture was taken a long time ago, I think about 2 years ago during the summer, but I am not really sure, time has passed very fast.
I like this picture because it is very beautiful, I like the colors and because my dog died a long time ago and with this picture, I can see it again and remember it. She was a very good dog, and that is why I have a very special affection for her.

Thank you for reading!

3 comentarios:

  1. Beautiful photo, the innocent face of the little dog makes the photo very tender.

  2. I think, It was one of the best photos I've ever seen, I don´t think there is a better photo than someone you loved and is no longer with you .

  3. Your dog is beautiful, your eyes are sweet.
