sábado, 10 de julio de 2021


Hello everybody. I hope you are fine.

Welcome to my new post.

Today I am going to talk to you about something that has me obsessed.

A week ago my family gave me the complete Harry Potter saga for my birthday. They know that I am a huge fan of movies and books.

I am very happy, now I wake up in the morning and start studying with enthusiasm, because when I finish an assignment I read a chapter, and then I start studying again, and then I read another chapter. I think that never in my life I had been so productive, because before it was hard for me to start studying, but now I found a way to motivate myself. My family thought that giving me books would make me forget my studies, but the opposite happened.

I've already finished reading two books, and I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm done reading them. Probably I wil buy more books, although I doubt it, it is much more likely that I will reread the saga at least 20 times.

I could write to you all day about Harry Potter, but I don't want to waste your time.

Thank you very much for reading my post.

I Hope you have a good week.

domingo, 4 de julio de 2021


 Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy it.

Today I will talk about my favorite subject. I really like the university carrer that I am studying, and there are many fun subjects, although others not so much.

My favorite subject is General Chemistry I, I think it is very easy to study and I get very good mark, also the classes are at comfortable hours, therefore it is not difficult for me to pay attention.

The contents that we have seen are:

  •        Structure and property is from the matter.
  •        Chemical bond.
  •        Nomenclature and types of chemical reactions
  •        Stoichiometry.
  •        Solutions and concentration.

I have to confess that it is very difficult for me to understand the subjects, especially when they have numbers, for this reason general chemistry I is my favorite subject, and not mechanics or calculus.

During chemistry classes I pay a lot of attention and ask a lot of questions (via chat, because I'm too shy to turn on the microphone), I also solve all the guides that they give us and I almost never miss classes, unless it is really necessary.

I hope you enjoyed the post very much.

Thank you for reading.