sábado, 10 de julio de 2021


Hello everybody. I hope you are fine.

Welcome to my new post.

Today I am going to talk to you about something that has me obsessed.

A week ago my family gave me the complete Harry Potter saga for my birthday. They know that I am a huge fan of movies and books.

I am very happy, now I wake up in the morning and start studying with enthusiasm, because when I finish an assignment I read a chapter, and then I start studying again, and then I read another chapter. I think that never in my life I had been so productive, because before it was hard for me to start studying, but now I found a way to motivate myself. My family thought that giving me books would make me forget my studies, but the opposite happened.

I've already finished reading two books, and I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm done reading them. Probably I wil buy more books, although I doubt it, it is much more likely that I will reread the saga at least 20 times.

I could write to you all day about Harry Potter, but I don't want to waste your time.

Thank you very much for reading my post.

I Hope you have a good week.

4 comentarios:

  1. wow great, I've always heard of Harry Potter but I can't bring myself to watch even a part of a movie.

  2. The Harry Potter saga it's so good... actually I have only read 2 books, but the movies are great :D

  3. I wish I could have all the books and read them. The Harry Potter world is the best saga of fantasy movies.

  4. I've watch Harry Potter before, but I think I will watch it, you convince me to watch another saga of movies.
